I was surprised a lot when the first comments for the new Cirque du Soleil show “Criss Angel – Believe” were made at preview videos of the show at my YouTube.com channel “CirqueDuSoleilGuru” and also at previous posts of mine about the show here at my blog.
I cannot recall any instance where a Cirque du Soleil show received that many negative comments in such short period of time (less than 3 months). It’s usually all praise and love with a stupid idiot posting some mindless comment once in a while. In case of the new show “Believe” did very specific negative comments pour in pretty much since the first pre-screenings of the show in September and onwards.
Here are the unaltered negative comments about the show from my various videos and blog posts. Since I did not alter them, all misspellings and grammatical errors remained as they were also.
User: HOTskull888 on YouTube said:
honestly the show was the shit. like it was nuts and dont say stupid as shit stuff like ow it suks or what ever because i do magic to and i dont care what anyone thinks of it
User: rjslider58 on YouTube said:
i saw the show oct 10, it sucked do your self a faver dont waste your time or money.
User: emtttmike on YouTube said:
I wasted my money going to see ‘Believe” on 10/17…I sat waiting for it to get better and it never did…I actually looked at my watch hoping it would end soon. It was that bad.
User: jshkneale on YouTube said:
this show sucked. i mean it really sucked. it would have been good only if they changed one thing,…..Chris angel, he destroyed the show. the dancers were OK if you like them to be out of sync with each other.
User: Kraken303 on YouTube said:
Anyone who thinks Criss Angel is a good magician is completely ignorant when it comes to magic. The show does not suck because of Cirque–it sucks because Criss can’t pull off any tricks without using extensive camera edits or plants. I really makes me angry to think that that $100 million dollars was spent on this show, and it’s still so BAD.
User: taxthis2001 on YouTube said:
Saw Believe last week, was disappointed. To much Cirque not enough Angel. I was very impressed with mind freak on the street but some of those disappearing tricks done on a stage with 40 trap doors are not as impressive. Criss u can do better. I leave this feedback to help guide your show for the better, please use it as such. Keep Mind Freak going.
User: 2RISEPROD on YouTube said:
Enjoy Criss Angel on A&E for years, when he said for all skeptics I will be doing this stuff live in my new show “Believe’ I was like OMG! really can’t wait! Went to Vegas for the opening, must say it was a total disaster and waste of money!! It made no sense at all! Criss did a dove from sleeve trick – and some very predictable birthday trick..Then he lip sang his MF song at the end, people were leaving before the show was over and bitching in the Luxor about how it sucked ass!! ??
User: iglesiasarenas on YouTube said:
is not MF but is not “o” or “the bettles shows” is the worst show of Circus du solei with the best magician Criss…
User: StealthCracker on YouTube said:
I went to the show Oct 4, and I thought it was too much dancing. -.-” only a few tricks performed. HE NEEDS MORE TRICKS
Everyone look at the words BELIEVE… if you look at the logo, you’ll see that the BE—VE is faded out, leaving bold words: LIE. I found this out. Check it out!!!
Anonymous Blog Comment here at RoySAC.com:
IMOP…I went to see the Criss Angel Believe show at the Luxor, and I must say…. IT WAS HORRIBLE! I am a huge Criss Angel fan, I think he is a great entertainer, however this show was horrible. I found out after watching the show that everyone that has seen the show to date has hated it also, everyone left the theater talking about how bad it was, my suggestion is it is better to save your money for another show and skip this trash. Also, it is not kid friendly at all, I did not take my kids to it, however there where some there and they left in tears from being scared of it. Think of Alice in Wonderland on really bad drugs.
User: realhonest1 on YouTube said:
I went Nov. 3. The show has lived up to the reviews. It sucked. I wish someone would have said “lets go!” Unfortunately we sat through to the dismal end. I want my $200 and 2 hrs back! Bad actor and bad tricks. On a pos. note the backgrounds and Wade Robson choreography were nice. Criss Angel is why this show bombs. I used to be a fan, but can’t even watch Mind Freak anymore. Way to go Criss, thanks for robbing your fans.
Thoughts and My Own Comments
I wrote a comment at one of my “Believe” videos at YouTube in response to some supporting comments by “Loyals” (Criss Angel Fan Club Members), who were appalled by the negative comments by others and expressed their sympathy for Criss. It reflects pretty much what I believe to be the actual problem here.
I have the feeling Criss managed to disappoint both crowds at once, for the “Mindfreaks” is the show not freaky enough and for the “Cirque Fans” is there too little circus and too much dancing, with some creepy atmosphere.
I cannot imagine that the show itself is that bad, its just not what people in the know expected it to be like. So they either get over it and take a new look at it from a distance or Criss has to look for new type of fans, who are not prejudges and in-flexible.
I will be in Las Vegas in January 2009 for a conference and hope that I will be able to see the show myself and get a real grip on what the problem might be here.
In the meantime enjoy a extended trailer video for the show that I created. Those images look actually pretty cool and promising, don’t you think?
Backup URL to Video on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdNu8C-U1Xs).
Backup Link to Video on YouTube.com
You can download this video in 480×360 pixels resolution and AVI (XVID/MP3 Lame) format at Mediafire.com.
Additional Links related to this post
Official Show Homepage at CirqueDuSoleil.com
Carsten aka Roy/SAC
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