Mount Rushmore Square
I created a short 12+ minutes long video about the little known Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills Mountains of South Dakota. I edited together the 3 minutes intro part of it, which is then followed by an about 10 minutes long mini documentary about the project. Backup URL to Video on youtube ( Backup URL to Video on youtube ( You can download the video in .AVI format and 640×480 pixels resolution (259 MB) free from my account. Backup link to video at Google Video The yet unfinished Crazy Horse Memorial mountain carving is located less than 30 minutes from the famous Mount Rushmore Presidential Memorial where the heads of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln were carved into the mountain rock for the eternity. The Crazy Horse mountain carving dwarfs the impressive Mt.Rushmore one in size and scale. Also the time to create it is an eternity compared to the Mt.Rushmore project. The sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski started working on it on June 3, 1948 and it is still far from being finished today. In contradiction to the the better known and federal funded Mt.Rushmore project is the Crazy Horse project entirely funded by the people who donate time, resources and money and by the admission to the visitor center and North American Indian Museum, which is located at the mountain base. The Admission is either $10 per person (children under 6 free) or $27 per car load, whichever is better for you, for[…]