Videos Working Again ??? YouTube Pain Update

Categories: Personal, Scene-Videos
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Published on: July 2, 2008

Boy, what days. I was working on getting two years worth of videos up again and the links and embedded players on my site fixed.

Well, over 150 videos from over 2 years, not a task that you could consider to be a light and easy one.

To learn about the reasons why I had to do all the changes, check out my original post first and then my post at, where I complained about YouTube and how they handle things.

I never heard a word back from them… nada, nothing, nichts, nitschevo. I am still very mad at them, especially, because they never even bothered to let me know why they did it. They simply blocked the account, all videos became inaccessible. No access to video comments, messages, subscribers, nothing.

I found out that I can access my play lists, if I know the URL. I can only access videos in those lists that are not from my account though. I also found something in the YouTube “account” section of my other YouTube accounts that I have not seen before. It is a page called “Account Warnings” where it says for my other accounts: “Your account is in good standing.

I wonder if there was anything different in my primary YouTube account. I cannot recall that I ever received a notice about any messages or notes that would be considered “Account Warnings“. I am pretty sure that they suspended my account without prior warning so I question the usefulness of this feature.

It is a farce and I cannot do anything against this from a legal point of view. YouTube’s Terms and Conditions state

“YouTube may remove such User Submissions and/or terminate a User’s access for uploading such material in violation of these Terms of Service at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.”

Short: We do what we want with your account and delete anything were we do not like the smell of it. The smell does not have to be “copyright infringement“.

This statement in their terms and conditions (which you have to agree on, when you create a YouTube account) should be reason enough for any professional to consider, if they really want to use such a service for their business purposes. I certainly would not. I learned my lesson to diversify, duplicate and consider any account and content published their “throw away” and “replicable“, like a email account.

Having local backups of any content is of key relevance to this, Also the saving of URLs and IDs of the videos itself for example. Perform a backup of subscriber names and comments (if they are important) on a regular basis.

Regarding subscribers, I had email notification enabled for everything at my YouTube account and kept all email notifications of new subscribers. I have already created a list and now need to contact them to let them know about my alternative accounts.

I also found the following statement, which I also mentioned in my blog post at It states:

“Users with suspended or terminated accounts are prohibited from creating new accounts or accessing YouTube???s community features.”

Well, I had two other accounts already before this incident. I created one new one and plan to open another one to avoid putting all eggs into one basket and also keep the subject of the individual channels/accounts clean and separate. I don’t know what I did wrong to justify the suspension of my account and do not feel as if I did anything wrong. As I mentioned, I already had two of the accounts already, before my main account was suspended. One, the sacreleases account even had (and has) more videos than my primary account.

I decided to take my chances and ignore this statement. It is as general and card Blanche as their other statement in their Terms of Use.

So now I have my old account “sacreleases” for everything related to BBS, ANSI/ASCII art, Demo Scene etc. I use this account (which I also created prior the suspension) for everything related to society, politics and that sort of things. I created the new account CirqueDuSoleilGuru for all the Cirque du Soleil and Performing Arts related content. I spent hours to get 80+ videos up at the account as quickly as possible. It went pretty smooth after a long preparation time before hand. The channel got a lot of traffic as a result of this and I made it yesterday even to spot 32. In the YouTube Top 100 “GURU” channels by number of views. Not bad eh?

I also got 12 subscribers to the channel within less than 48 hours.

I want to open a forth account for everything related to marketing, SEO and that sort of stuff, but there is no rush and I have way too much to do at the moment to do it right.

Some other things that I noticed in regards to YouTube that also raised some questions in my head are things like: What happens to the groups that I created with my suspended account? They are still working and show my old account as the group creator and administrator, but I cannot use that account anymore to administer the group. Mhh?

I created the group Cirque Fans and Warez Scene. They are now without a “leader” and manager.

p.s. Depeche Mode did also not respond to my mail that I sent them via MySpace, as expected. I mentioned that already at my journal at and can only repeat what I stated there.

“Be careful who you praise and support, they might not worth it.”

Last but not least. If you should notice any reference, link, embedded player etc. on my site that refers to a video that is not available anymore, please let me know about it. You can send me a quick note via the contact form here, quick and anonymously, if you want to (just use a throw away email address or a fake one, if feel like it). Don’t do that of course, if you want me to respond to your message hehe.

Carsten aka Roy/SAC

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NOTE! I believe in the right for freedom of speech and personal opinion and are against censorship, so feel free to tell me what you think and let me and others hear your opinion on this subject, but please avoid using the f-word and s-word as much as you possibly can, because at the end of the day this blog exists for the purpose of useful exchanges of thoughts, ideas and opinions and not as a valve for your accumulated anger and frustration. Get a shrink for that! Thanks.

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