From Cirque over Hoola Hoops to Dytec PC

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Published on: May 15, 2008

If you think that I did not write and do much at my blog then you are mistaken. Instead of writing some new posts I did update some existing ones instead.

My Cirque du Soleil Primer was extensively expanded for example. I did learn a lot about the Cirque during the past few weeks and had contact with several people like me who are Cirque du Soleil fans like me (some even more crazy than I am, can you believe that?! :) )

I submit the primer to myself, which is never such a splendit idea, but I thought “what the heck.” and just did it. Nobody else seems to agree with me that it is actually great content. I hope that I am not wrong about this and would appreciate, if you could show me, if you like it by adding a comment to this post or at the primer itself and/or Digg the Primer post, if you have a user account.

The Primer

I also worked on more video content. I don’t write a post here at my blog for every video that I upload to my two YouTube accounts and elsewhere on the Internet. Here you only get some of the highlights :).

If you like what I publish, I suggest to subscribe to my channel(s) directly after you created your own account at the video sharing website.

I upload all my videos to either my SACRELEASES channel or my CARSTENSVLOG CirqueDuSoleilGuru channel on You can find links to the profiles and feeds at other video sharing websites on this page, among the links to other social networks and webmaster forums where I have an account.

I do not publish ALL of my videos to the other online video sites. I try as much as I can, but there are several problems that make this task not as easy as I would like to plus some videos are taken down (or not up in the first place) by some of the sites. I don’t want to get into this debate about those problems here and now. I plan to deal with the subject in great detail one other day and at another blog.

Here is one video that I recently published and believe to be worthwhile to write about here at my blog. It contains Hoola Hoops circus performaces by various performers, some from Cirque du Soleil and others who are not involved with the Cirque at all. I edited it together from over a dozen individual video sources, which I also re-edited and cut prior putting them together again for this video.

The background music is the song “ANSI” by Logic Bomb from the DefCon 15 (Hacker Conference) Sampler “Extra Nanosecond” mixed by DJ Shadowvex, where I created the cover for last year. The song does not only have a cool name (ANSI hehe), but also fits the visuals very nicely.

Backup URL to Video on youtube (

Backup Link to Video at YouTube

I hope you like and enjoy the video. Just as a heads up. I did spend some time on the legacy of Dytec (Dynamic Technologies).

I created a tribute video, which is a remix of a lot of things about the German games cracking group where I had the pleasure to be its leader for the PC section for a while. There is more to come, so keep your eyes open :)

Backup URL to Video on youtube (

Backup Link to Video at YouTube

This video was a heck of a lot of work and consists of over 60 individual pieces of video, audio and images. The inspiration came from the dancing Lemmings animation and the background music by Pitty/Dytec.

This was actually the beta for a Dytec PC Intro/Demo project, which was never finished and never released. The Lemmings that dance to the techno beats of Pitty’s oldskool Amiga Pro-Tracker module titled “Pitty in Concert” were very cool and funny and it is sad that nothing of it was released back in those old days. I hope that my tribute video will make up for this oversight a little bit.

Carsten aka Roy/SAC

  1. Roy, I think you are a great Blogger and an Advocate for Webmasters and Bloggers.

    While Blog readers expect Bloggers to publish new content everyday to their blogs, we as Bloggers try to publish relevant information not only on our blogs but on other blogs as comments and on social media networks.

    I have met Roy on Wikipedia as an editor and have been following him for about a year now.

    Roy is very active on his blog, Wikipedia, Flicker, Revenews, and SEJ.

    I get to see what Roy does by having him as a contact on MyBlogLog social media aggregator.

    Remember it is not how many posts you do on your blog, but how relevant they are to the followers of the Blogger!

    Roy one word of advice, and if I am not mistaken do you use Twitter, to tell your followers what you are up to?

    Follow me on Twitter!

  2. Hi Igor, thanks for the kind words. I actually learned that a few people read this personal blog of mine, but they are mostly from that quiet and secretive kind of people, who don’t speak up in public hehe.

    Regarding Twitter. No, I am not using it and I also have to say that I pass on this one.

    I am not a control freak, no exhibitionist and don’t need to be interrupted and distracted all the time. I see the value for folks who used to use IM all the time, but not for folks who don’t :)

    My social media contact information (links to profiles and feeds) can be found here.

    You can pick and choose from the different feeds to hang yourself intro to follow what I am doing, that’s my Twitter hehe.

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NOTE! I believe in the right for freedom of speech and personal opinion and are against censorship, so feel free to tell me what you think and let me and others hear your opinion on this subject, but please avoid using the f-word and s-word as much as you possibly can, because at the end of the day this blog exists for the purpose of useful exchanges of thoughts, ideas and opinions and not as a valve for your accumulated anger and frustration. Get a shrink for that! Thanks.

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