Stats for Fun

Categories: ANSI, ASCII, Personal, text art
Tags: No Tags
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 3, 2008

I have an account at the social network and artist community since March 3, 2006.

I looked at the statistics today and find it pretty interesting. Some numbers are not shown in the summary so I added them myself.

Stats Summary

  • roy-sac has 9,985 pageviews total and his 306 deviations were viewed 23,717 times. He watches 60 people, while 86 people watch him.
  • Overall, his deviations received 665 comments and were added to deviants’ favourites 198 times, while he commented 1,383 times, making about 2.06 comments per day since he joined DA. This means that he gave 21 comments for every 10 that he received.
  • His deviation with the most comments is deviantART ANSI Logo with 98 comments, and it is also his most favourited, with 73 favourites. His most viewed deviation is deviantART ANSI Logo with 5,266 views.
  • 3 favourites were given for every 10 comments.
  • Every 2.1 days he uploads a new deviation, and it’s usually on a Sunday, with 66 (22%) of his deviations.
  • His busiest month was July 2006 with 61 (20%) of his deviations.
  • The majority of his deviations are uploaded to the Digital Art gallery (268), while his favourite category was Text Art > ASCII with 134 deviations.

  • Comments per deviation: 2.17
  • Favourites per deviation: 0.64
  • Views per deviation: 77.5
  • Comments per day: 0.99
  • Favourites per day: 0.29
  • Views per day: 35.35
  • Pageviews per day: 14.88

Additional figures that were not provided in the summary by deviantArt.

  • Deviation Comments: 671
  • Deviant Comments: 373
  • News Comments: 31
  • Forum Posts: 16
  • Journal Entries: 48
  • Favorites: 490
  • Items in Wish List: 31
  • Scraps: 7
  • Prints available in dA Shop: 13 which had 17 sales altogether. Most of the sales were done by myself hehe.
  • I submit art to 21 categories, but the vast majority of them (306) were for the categories ASCII Text Art (134), ANSI Text Art (109) and Landscapes (15). The last one is for photographies.

The top four deviations by number of favorites.

  1. deviantART ANSI Logo (73 favs, 98 comments, 5266 views)
  2. deviantART Google Logo (24 favs, 64 comments, 2663 views)
  3. deviantART ASCII Logo (6 favs, 10 comments, 1126 views)
  4. TRSI Pixel Art VGA Logo (6 favs, 10 comments, 184 views)

My first ANSI for Melmac BBS is actually #4 by pageviews. It had 610 of them, which is three times more than the TRSI logo. However, the Melmac ANSI was never fav’ed though hehe.

  1. “Obsessed???”

    I guess so :)

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NOTE! I believe in the right for freedom of speech and personal opinion and are against censorship, so feel free to tell me what you think and let me and others hear your opinion on this subject, but please avoid using the f-word and s-word as much as you possibly can, because at the end of the day this blog exists for the purpose of useful exchanges of thoughts, ideas and opinions and not as a valve for your accumulated anger and frustration. Get a shrink for that! Thanks.

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