This time did I had again a few issues with Google Video. Three videos were uploaded and shown as successful in Google Video’s desktop uploader tool, but are nowhere to be found on the Google Video website. Did I mention that the upload speed is damn slow too? The Session Videos – Batch III This is the 2nd largest batch of all four batches. It contains 36 videos. The first one had 47, the second one only 17 and the last one will only have 25 as well. 47 + 17 + 36 + 25 = 125. Oops, I miscounted the number of sessions in my first post. I thought it would be 122 videos only. Well, the more the merrier. I just finished the download of the content from the DefCon website. They have the sessions of DefCon 13 (2005) up for the most part, in video and audio format plus the presentations and extras. All in all about 8 GB of data :). If their numbering system means anything, then there seem to be a few presentations missing for unknown reason. Also no sign of any video or audio recording from DefCon 14 last year.Btw. If you want to buy the DVD-ROMs rather than watch them online, go to this website and get them for the bargain price of $499.00. (I got them for the super-bargain price of only $299)… I know what you are thinking… WTF? RamblingRight, the price of the recordings is ridicules high. Wasn’t the[…]
Sorry for the delayed 2nd batch of DefCon 15 session and panel videos, but Google Video had issues this week. The up-loader was not working at all for a while and then followed huge delays because of their random tests of content to make sure that it does not violate their policies jadajadajada. The Session Videos – Batch II This batch contains the remaining videos of track 1. I will continue to work on track 2,3,4 and 5 and hope that Google will not have as much issues anymore that I can publish the videos faster.To demonstrate to you how sorry I am about the delay, here three goodies to change your mood. Def Con Media Archive. The media archive has hundreds of megabytes of content (PDF’s, Tools, Code, PowerPoint Slides, MP3 and MP4 movies) from the past 15 Def Cons available for download DefCon CD-ROMS for Def Con 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. I mentioned it in the comments of my post for batch one, but I am sure that a lot of people missed it Def Con 15 sessions Audio – All audio recordings of the Def Con 15 sessions. They are only up for a limited time, because I put them on and the storage time there is limited. I am looking for a permanent place for them to store on the net and will let you know when I found one. Until then, use this opportunity and download them now (about 900MB) Okay, now[…]
I know that somebody will be pissed and mad at me right now, but who gives a fuck :). Here is the first batch of videos of 47 sessions and panels (of a total of 122), from the world largest hacker conference, DefCon 15, which was held on August 3 – 5, 2007 at the Rivera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.All videos together is a set of 10 DVD-ROMs!!! full of movie files. Bear with me while I am working on getting the rest of the videos up on-line. It’s a pain in the ass and a lot of tedious work. The Session Videos – Batch I The videos are sold commercially for several hundred dollars, but who has that amount of money flying around, right? Okay, I paid the money. So you are welcome. And anyway, isn’t DefCon not about making exploits and scams public? I make them public, alright? Not the way some might have planned, but that is not my problem. I did not get the “Black Hat” sessions and have now second thoughts about it. They cost much less if you ordered it on-site. Damn, I hope somebody else will put them up on the Internet.Okay, the first batch includes the following sessions, which are IMO the most interesting ones. T536 – The Edge of Forever – Making Computer History by Jason Scott from who also did the documentary BBS – The Documentary, which is also available on-line at Google Video. T539 –[…]
The announcement of the YouTube custom player feature is already a while old and I even created a player, but never used it yet. I thought it is time to show it to you :).Here is a custom player with all my YouTube Videos (stuff I uploaded there)Update. I removed the one player, because that account I were talking about was closed. I have several other accounts now.Here some players for my favorite play lists… such as the EBM PlaylistHere is another one, my Cirque Du Soleil Play List, which has my favorite videos and videos uploaded by me at YouTube about Cirque Du Soleil.Noticed something? Right, different colors hehe. You can also select between two styles of players, The one for the EBM play list uses the smaller format. I am not sure if I like it, but the video selection comes kinda cool. Mhh… Sweet, isn’t it?Cheers!Carsten aka Roy/SAC
I was just browsing around a little bit at and found a video, which I remembered well from a couple of years ago. Its a video from the British band “The Prodigy”. They have a tendency to create controversy with their music and their videos, some might even say “crazy”, but what means crazy in this day and age? I like a number of songs from The Prodigy, among my favorites are “Firestarter“, “Narayan“, “No Good“, “Out of Space” and “Breathe” … and this one…Be warned, this video was even “too much” for the much more open European TV stations. MTV Europe had to take it off the air because of massive numbers of complaints by concerned parents and organizations. I think that taking it off the air was not a good decision. The video was not glorifying abuse and violence. I would say that it did exactly the opposite. I don’t think that anybody with a single functional brain cell left would be encouraged to mimic the behavior shown in the video. It is not an unrealistic depiction of things as it is often done in Hollywood movies. People that behave like this do exist and the video shows very realistically all the “fun” and “ugly” aspects of this.Full Length, Uncut Version of the Music Video by “The Prodigy” titled “Smack My Bitch Up“Warning! Viewers Desecration Advised!Not Suitable for Children. – Extreme Explicit Content– Foul Language– Drug Abuse– Alcohol Abuse– Nudity– Depiction of Unsafe Sex– Uncivil Behavior– ViolenceI[…]