DefCon 15 Session and Panel Videos – Batch IV – Final Batch

Categories: DefCon, Scene-Videos
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Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: September 12, 2007

Yeah, I’ve done it! All videos from all DefCon 15 presentations/sessions and panels are now up on Google Video to watch for free.

All 4 batches combined are a total of 125 videos that are sold on 10 synchronized DVD-Roms in Quicktime format (.MOV) for $499.00 (okay, I paid “only” $299.00).

Here is Full DefCon 15 Session Listing in PDF format. It’s sorted by tracks and presentation numbers and is easier to print out. The PDF is about 1.7 MB in size. See the resources further down below for the download of all presentations and extras of DefCon 15.

The Session Videos – Batch IV (Final)

Use the links in this blog post and the three previous posts to access the videos directly or perform a search on Google Video.

Use as search term “DefCon 15″ in combination with the presentation number, e.g. “T539″ for the “Internet Wars 2007″ Panel (see this example link and query for “DefCon 15″ T539).

Previous Batches

  1. DefCon 15 Videos Batch 1 (47 Videos), selected videos from all 5 tracks
  2. DefCon 15 Videos Batch 2 (17 Videos), remaining videos from track 1
  3. DefCon 15 Videos Batch 3 (36 Videos), remaining videos from track 2 and track 3

Here is now the fourth and final batch with the remaining 25 videos for the last two presentation tracks.

Remaining Session and Panel Videos of DefCon 15 Track 4

  1. T403 Picking up the Zero Day; An Everyones Guide to Unexpected Disclosures by Dead Addict
  2. T405 Bridging the Gap Between Technology and the Law by John Benson
  3. T406 Protecting Your IT Infrastructure From Legal Attacks – Subpoenas, Warrants and Transitive Trust by Alexander Muentz
  4. T407 Digital Rights Worldwide: Or How to Build a Global Hacker Conspiracy by Danny O???Brien
  5. T408 A Journalist???s Perspective on Security Research by Peter Berghammer
  6. T409 Teaching Hacking at College by Sam Bowne
  7. T410 Faster PwninG Assured: New adventures with FPGAs by David Hulton
  8. T411 Ask the EFF (Panel Discussion)
  9. T434 Technical Changes Since You Last Heard About Tor by Nick Mathewson
  10. T436 Tor and Blocking – Resistance by Roger Dingledine
  11. T439 Securing the Tor Network by Mike Perry
  12. T442 Real-time Steganography with RTP by |)ruid

Remaining Session and Panel Videos of DefCon 15 Track 5

  1. T501 Vulnerabilities and The Information Assurance Directorate by Tony Sager
  2. T502 Meet The VCs (Panel Discussion)
  3. T507 The Hacker Society Around the (Corporate) World by Luiz Eduardo
  4. T508 Creating and Managing Your Security Career by Mike Murray & Lee Kushner
  5. T509 kNAC! by Ofir Arkin
  6. T531 Hack Your Brain with Video Games by Ne0nRa1n & Joe Grant
  7. T532 How to be a WiFi Ninja by Pilgrim
  8. T534 The Science of Social Engineering: NLP, Hypnosis and the Science of Persuasion by Mike Murray & Anton Chuvakin
  9. T535 Black Ops 2007: Design Reviewing The Web by Dan Kaminsky
  10. T538 Stealing Identity Management Systems by Plet

More Resources

  1. DefCon Media Archive – 8+ GB videos, mp3 audio, PDFs, PowerPoints and tools from previous DefCon’s, primarily from DefCon 13 (2005)
  2. DefCon CD-ROM ISOs – Somebody put up the DefCon CD-ROMs of the last five conferences up for download. The CDs are in ISO format. Included: DefCon 11, DefCon 12, DefCon 13, DefCon 14 and the latest one from this August, DefCon 15.
  3. DefCon 15 Session Audios – Only temporarely available at that location. 1.32 GB and 123 files. Its on my SendSpace account and will expire in a week or two. I have about 16 GB in bandwidth available.
    A new place for the audios is already being organized, also another location for the videos to download them in their original .MOV format.
  4. Buy the DefCon Synchronized DVD-ROMs – 10 DVD-Roms for the “bargain” price of only $499.00 from “the Source of Knowledge” website. Yeah, right. I rambled about it in my post for DefCon 15 Videos Batch III already.

Okay, enjoy the videos!

Carsten aka Roy/SAC

  1. Travis says:

    thanks for getting these out Carsten, i’ve enjoyed watching these online. props to

  2. You are welcome… They will also become available very soon as file download in ISO format (the whole synchronized DVD-ROM set) :)

    I will keep you posted. FTP is already up. I just have to create the ISOs again and get them uploaded hehe.

  3. Tsu Doh Nimh says:

    Sorry for the mistake in mentioning that other video site instead of Google Video. Thanks for your gracious correction.

    Updated post

  4. no problem Tsu and my pleasure. I hope you enjoy them. Cheers!

  1. […] I bought my second copy to get it signed by Jason at DefCon 15 in Las Vegas in 2007 where he was a speaker also. He also speaks at other conferences like Notacon […]

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