Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : September 19, 2007


Fucking A – It’s About Time!

Categories: Personal, Politics
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Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: September 19, 2007

This is a very personal post, but I have to blog it somewhere. I could not post it at nor at so my personal blog has to take the “hit” hehe. It uses some unusual strong language what should not come as a surprise, if you look at the title of this post :). I just wanted to warn you. Okay, I touched the subject already in previous posts of mine, such as “American Made – or Wasn’t It” or “Immigration Issues, YouTube PERM Video and Backgrounds“. I also mentioned my issues at my post “VNV Nation saved the day (okay, my day)” so it???s not all new and out of the blue. Okay, here it comes… I got my fucking Green Card today!!!!! Here is a picture of that damn piece of plastic that needed over five years of constructing and manufacturing by the American bureaucracy Yes, five plus years of pain and sorrow are over! God damn it! Okay, better hehe. For details and some background, check out my immigration resources page at my family website at, of course only if you are interested in this 😀 And guess what, this is also my 100th post here at my personal blog. If that isn’t a coincidence… Yeah, “double celebration” … Is it possible to get double-drunk?! I guess that would be called coma hehe. I am sorry for the foul and strong language, but it had to be … this time. I am sure that[…]

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