Dream Design 16-32 Colors Pixel Art (Amiga 500)

Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: August 28, 2006

I had over the last few days a chitchat with a fellow deviant about his deviantion which required him to do work manually without fancy tools, like it used to be in the old days when gfx on the computer was still pixeled by hand.

We talked about that and I made a comment about my Friend Dream Design who was one of the 5 first SAC Members when we founded the Group back in December 1994. We was still using his Amiga 500 for his pixel art.

He was more restricted that we were on the PC. He had to work with only 32 colors and a resolution of 320×256 (PC VGA 320×200 256 Colors).

I still have his stuff on my computer and decided to show some of his best work, remember max. 32 colors, pixeled. No Filters, so Special brushes, no digital camera, no scanners, no graphic tablet (he used the mouse).

Dream Design made the top 10 best pixel artists on the Amiga 500 at some point. There were a lot more and better artists on the Amiga than on the PC at the time, I just say J.O.E. , Peachy and Angeldawn. He teached me some lessons what I really appreciated.

DD was flat out what you call a Genius. He understood perspective, lighting and shading like nobody else I ever met.

Its funny how I met him. He almost wanted to hit me for a comment about one of his best pieces he finalized on a small Demo party. I looked at his screen with a picture of a chick with her Ass hanging out of her pants and said “nice photograph”. He turned around red and said, I pixeled 3 days on that!!!! hehehe… great stuff , using 32 freaking colors only. Here it is, the one on the left. The one on the right is only 16 colors.

To the left is a gorgeous pic that won the gfx compo of a small local demo party in Berlin/Germany and to the right are a few more logos.

Take a look at the logo to the right. This is a Great TRSI Logo. Almost as beautiful as the legendary “melting metal” TRSI Logo by J.O.E.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. I might publish some more of his stuff in the future. If you don’t believe that it is pixeled, download it, open your favorite gfx program, zoom in and check for yourself.

Carsten aka Roy/SAC
Deviant at deviantART.com

  1. “Vaginal Massacre?” That’s stupid.

  2. That was the name of the Track-Intro the Graphic was for. That’s not the artists fault. BTW. The Intro won the competition. It was at the official Amiga Scene Party at the Ce-Bit Exhibition in Hannover/Germany in 1991.

  3. ustina says:

    After first look I also thought V.M is a photo;)Name is cool!hahaha… Can’t imagine it’s only 32colors! Personally I like more b&w girl on the right – the play of light and shadow in this 16 colors artwork made me speechless- isn’t a kind of masochism to make such 100% polished art?;). Hmmm…and I like chocolate pieces too:)look v.tasty.

  4. I like the black and white one too which has even less colors (I think it uses only 16-20 colors)

    Keep in mind that it was PIXELED… its no photo that was converted or stuff like that.

    The VM Chick took him over 3 days (yeah 5-8 hours a day) to pixel.


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