Blog Moved

Categories: Blogging, Personal
Comments: No Comments
Published on: August 17, 2006

Quick News. I moved my Blog from to the new domain (where I moved already all my pages about ANSI and ASCII Text art to less than 2 weeks ago).

The new Blog URL is

The Feedburner Feed URL did not change. Also all existing Links to the Old Address should work without problem. I 301-redirected everything from the old address to the new one.

While I was moving the Blog, did I add the option to subscribe to my Blog via Email as little form in the upper right hand corner of my Blog. The old FeedBlitz subscriptions should continue to work in the near future, but I would suggest you sign up again at my blog and unsubscribe from FeedBlitz, just in case.

If you notice anything weird, let me know. Cheers!

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NOTE! I believe in the right for freedom of speech and personal opinion and are against censorship, so feel free to tell me what you think and let me and others hear your opinion on this subject, but please avoid using the f-word and s-word as much as you possibly can, because at the end of the day this blog exists for the purpose of useful exchanges of thoughts, ideas and opinions and not as a valve for your accumulated anger and frustration. Get a shrink for that! Thanks.

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