Roy of Superior Art Creations archive
Date : May 2006


Google issues getting worse and worse

Categories: Internet Marketing
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Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 4, 2006

If probably heard in the News or from an internet savvy friend about Google’s Big Daddy update and the mounting problems that developed since the update was started at the beginning of February. My business site, the comparison shopping portal was affected by the Google problems as were hundreds of others. It have been very frustrating months for everybody who got “hit” by this. The worst thing of all is, that there is nothing we can do about it, but wait and hope that Google gets it’s act straight and that everything will be back to normal rather sooner than later.It started last summer with Google’s Big 3 Phase Jagger Update. The goal of Jagger was to detect spam and duplicate content better and cleanse the Google Search Index from millions of pages of junk. The Jagger update caused serious problems for our Websites. We were not the only sites that got problems. A lot of other sites. Google was able to remove a lot of Spam from their Index, but removed together with the Spam a lot of legit and valuable content.The last months of 2005 were pretty much like a roller coaster ride for us: Added to the Index, Loosing Pages, Removed, Appearing, Growing and the same from the beginning again. To make the story short; our Google traffic during the peak of the holidays was virtually nothing.Google Engineer Matt Cutts posted on 10/19/2005 at his blog what Webmasters should do, who’s websites dropped out of the[…]


WikiTruth a Hoax, Banned and Deleted from Wikipedia!

Categories: Wikipedia
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Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 1, 2006 is a site that was started by 12 Wikipedia Administrators that “left” Wikipedia after years of contribution due unbearable “bureaucratic warfare” and especially after seeing an increase in active censorship taking place at at an alarming rate. does not only describe internal workings at Wikipedia from an insider perspective, but also published several of the Articles that were “deleted” at Wikipedia on their Website. Reported by The Guardian on 4/13/2006.The Story was “dugg” to the homepage of on 4/16/2006. The resulting crash of the Website was caused by the sudden traffic onslaught and not as bad tounges speculated by some angry “Jimbo Wales” loyal Wikipedians that disapprove the content of the Wikitruth site.It also started some controversy at SlashDot on 4/16/2006 with over 500 comments by Slashdot’s Readers.Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales claimed less than 2 weeks ago about the protest site: “It’s a hoax,” Wales said of Wikitruth. “There’s no evidence at all that there are any Wikipedia administrators associated with it.” Reported 4/17/2006 by TechWeb.comIn the same Article did he state: “It’s almost certainly people who have been banned by Wikipedia,” Wales said. The news were picked up by Newspapers and Magazines around the world. The renowned german magazin ““Der Spiegel” reported about Wikitruth and Jim Wales statement on 4/18/2006. See the Post in the middle of the Page with the Headline: “Jimmy Wales: WikiTruth nur ein Hoax”Now it seems are not just “people” getting banned from Wikipedia, but even links to from[…]

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